
The Robots Are Coming – Are YOU ready?

It has been estimated that over 3 Billion Jobs as we know them today will disappear by 2025! The question is “Is yours one of them?” There has never been a more important time to become independent

There has never been a more important time as NOW to become independent, to start now to generate your own income streams, to be self-reliant.

eZine ads – Do they work?

Tired of hearing that you need a mailing list of your own to succeed online?

I can’t blame you. After all, building a list is HARD work and takes time!

* It takes TRAFFIC to build a list of your own
* You need a WEBSITE to build your own list
* It takes a LONG TIME to build a list!

All of these reasons, and more, are why MOST people don’t have a list now.

Well here’s the good news!


** Why? **


Even better – we’re talking about a HIGHLY targeted list that is PROVEN responsive. BEST OF ALL – you can rent this list for LESS than 1/10th of a penny per name!  I am talking about ezine ads including solo ads – Imagine YOUR ad going to 20,000 or 50,000 or even 500,000 INTERESTED people!

Think THAT would create sales? It WILL!

And you can advertise ANYTHING you want to sell.

* Ebooks
* Information products
* Health products
* eBay products
* Clothing
* Jewelry
* Memberships
* Business opportunities
* Resale rights products

You name it and you can sell it using this proven method. This is SUPER effective for affiliates and business opportunity marketers!

Here’s MORE good news …

My friend and colleague Charlie Page has written an excellent eBook on ezine ads that I really recommend reading. He is the owner of the best ezine directory site on the net (of which I am a very satisfied lifetime member). When it comes to ezine advertising he is THE man!


You can download  this comprehensive book for free (usually $47) from the Home Business Marketing Institute by clicking here

Take a look right now and discover why Charlie’s site was listed in Robert Allen’s New York Times bestseller “Multiple Streams of Internet Income”!

If you can write an email you can do this. And it is PROVEN effective. All the top online marketers do this, and now YOU can do it too! This method works regardless of your product  … and Charlie will personally help you like he has helped me.

Using the Right Words in Your Marketing

Are You Using the Right Words in Your Advertising and Marketing?

Because the right words can work wonders when it comes to lead generation and conversion.

But if you are like most home based business owners, you are most likely great at what you do – you just 'hit a brick wall' when it comes to marketing what you do.

Well if that is the case, you are going to love this little report.

It  contains a handy collection of the very Best Headline Words and Phrases.

I suggest that you print this one out and keep it next to your laptop, PC or Mac because this will be one resource that you're going to refer back to often. Only two pages but it really packs a punch!

You Can Download Your Copy Here

Writing Headlines That Work for Your Home Business

If You Want Your Home Business to Work – You MUST Use Winning Headlines… No other words in any ad, sales letter, brochure, web page, or any other type of written communication will ever be as important to your success…

Every Home Business Owner needs to be able to make people do three things.

1. Stop! – You have to be able to get your prospects attention.

2. Pay Attention! – You want them to listen carefully to what you have to say to them.

3. Take Action Now! – After they have heard your ‘Sales Story’ you want people to ‘Do’ something.


This report contains 600 of the best headlines ever written. Download it Here and see how many of them you can adapt for YOUR Home based business.


Time Management Secrets – The Secret to Overcoming Procrastination

STOP! Before You Read This Article, Make Sure You Download My Free Time Management Guide

Why do you procrastinate?

Why don't you do the things you want to do?

Why do you have great dreams, but don't take massive action to make them come true?

The answer lies in Newton's first law of physics: "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction"

Let me explain:

Let's say you want something, whatever that 'something' is. Let's call it 'success' to keep it simple.

The bottom line is this: if you want success, and you want it more than anything else in the world, you will get it.

However, if you want to run away from your fears to a safe place, a place you feel secure, that means you want security MORE than you want the success. This is why you don't achieve those great dreams.

The excuses or 'reasons' will ultimately sound like:

  • "I'm not smart enough"
  • "I don't have the money"
  • "I don't deserve more than I already have."
  • "I don't have enough education"
  • "I don't have the qualifications to do this"

All of these excuses are what keep us from our dreams. The way to discover what we are hiding from ourselves is to learn to ask the right questions.

We KNOW all the answers. The problem is that we don't ask the right questions. Here are two questions you can use in almost any quandary:

  1. "What is the BENEFIT I gain by not realizing my dreams?" or "What am I getting by not realizing my dreams?"

Trust me; you ARE getting a benefit or a PAYOFF for not realizing your dreams and you must discover what that benefit is in order to eliminate it.

One of the most common hidden benefits is that you get to stay in your comfort zone. Even if we are unhappy where we are, many times, we have convinced ourselves that going after what we want is more difficult and more painful than staying where we are. We may be miserable, but at least we are comfortable.

  1. The second question is: "What am I afraid will happen if I…………………. (fill in the blank with the dream)

This encompasses the changes in lifestyle we will have to make in order to achieve our dreams. This includes what we thing other people will think.

In order to have the success you want and deserve, you must answer and resolve these two simple questions.

Okay, so what do you do now?

First, turn off the phone, TV, stereo, and all other distractions. Then get a pen and paper and write at the top of the page:

"The benefits of NOT realizing my dreams are:"

List a minimum of 20. If you can't 'think' of any, then just 'guess' and write them down. About the time you reach 10-15, you subconscious mind will take over. Write anything that comes to mind, no matter how trivial or insignificant.

Just allow your mind to wander and go where it takes you. Get as specific as possible.

Very few get past this point before they have some very interesting answers come up.

Now ask yourself how your fear or procrastination has served you thus far. Realize the fear is there for a specific purpose. Find the purpose and ask yourself if it still serves you to have this fear. Perhaps it is time to let go of your fear and stop procrastinating once and for all.

When you have lost the need for the fear, you will just naturally let it go (if you are ready to do so).

And when you let it go, you will be free to move toward the things you say you want—-and you'll do it with ease and joy.

Are you ready to stop procrastinating or are you going to put if off a little longer? The choice is yours.

In life you can only have two things – Reasons or Results – and Reasons don't count! You either have what you want, or you have 'reasons' why you don't have it.

Procrastination is a disease. The cure is convincing yourself that it no longer serves you.

Want to bypass your inner gatekeeper and finally become unstoppable?

Click Here to Discover how to use the power of Instant Self-Hypnosis to change your blueprint in minutes instead of months or years…

Welcome and Invite People’s Questions and Boost Your Sales

Do you invite your prospective customers to ask questions …or do you try to avoid getting questions from them? You’re walking away from a lot of easy sales if you don’t encourage and invite prospects to ask you questions.

1. Prospects Who Ask Questions Are Usually Ready To Buy

Prospective customers who take the time to ask questions usually have a high level of interest in your product or service. By asking questions they identify themselves as likely buyers.

A prompt and complete answer to their question along with a gentle reminder of the benefits they will get is usually all it takes to close the sale.

Tip: Make it easy for prospects to ask questions when they are at your web site or in other selling situations where there is no personal contact. For example, list your phone number or an email address they can use for questions.

2. Set up A Procedure for Managing Questions

Answering questions from prospects does not have to take a lot of your time. Many of the same questions will be repeated over and over again. But you only have to answer each question once …if you save the answer to each question to a permanent file.

Every time you get the same question again, just copy the answer from your saved file into your reply – and customize it appropriately. You will be able to answer questions quickly. And you will impress prospects with your promptness and personal attention.

3. Always Reply Promptly

Answer questions promptly. Your prospect’s level of interest and your chances of getting the sale will decline as time passes without a reply. Prospects are also likely to judge your commitment to serving customers by how long they waited to get the answer to their question.

Tip: If you find yourself personally answering a lot of questions, add a Questions and Answers page to your web site – or to your printed sales material. Include the answers to your most frequently asked questions. This reduces the number of questions you have to answer individually.

4. Take Advantage of the Selling Opportunity

People tend to pay close attention to what you say when you answer a specific question they asked. Take advantage of this. Don’t just answer their question. Include a reason for them to buy as part of your answer.

For example, a typical question may be whether or not your product or service applies to the questioner’s situation. If it does, expand your answer to remind them of the specific benefits they will get. Then tell them exactly how to order it so they can get those benefits immediately.

Remember, prospective customers who ask questions are usually close to buying. A gentle nudge from you will often get them to take action. Provide that nudge when you answer their question.

Many businesses try to avoid questions from their prospects and customers. They are making an expensive mistake. Answering questions from prospects and customers is a highly effective and very low-cost way to boost sales.

Copyright Bob Leduc

4 Easy Ways to Boost Your Home Business Sales

Here are 4 easy ways you can boost your sales for little or no new expense …and without making major changes in your selling process.

1. Focus on What Your Customers Really Want

Your customers really don’t want your products or services. They don’t even want what those products or services do for them. What they really want is to gain the specific feeling they get after buying and using your products or services.

Keep this in mind when you create web pages, sales letters and other selling presentations. Emphasize the feelings produced by using your product instead of talking about what your product is – or how it works.

Tip: Convert the benefits delivered by your product or service into vivid word pictures. Then put your prospect in the picture by dramatizing what it feels like to be enjoying those benefits.

Example, if you sell financial products, describe what it feels like to enjoy an affluent life style without debt.

2. Keep Communicating With Your Previous Non-Buyers

You’ve heard it before – but I’ll say it here again. Most prospective customers will not buy the first time they see or hear about your product or service. You’re losing a lot of sales if you do not persistently follow up with those prospects.

Your follow up procedure can be as simple as periodically contacting them with a new offer. Or it can be more complex like distributing a newsletter or providing updated product information.

Tip: You cannot follow up with prospects if you don’t know how to reach them. Set up a system for collecting the names and contact information of all prospects who do not buy from you.

Example, offer a special report, a list of sources or some other valuable information your prospects cannot get anywhere else. Deliver it only by email or postal mail so you can get their contact address.

3. Encourage Questions

Questions from prospects may be a nuisance. But answering them can be very profitable.

Prospective customers only take time to ask questions when they have a high level of interest in your product or service. Providing a satisfactory answer to a prospect’s question often leads directly to a sale.

Invite prospects to ask questions when in live selling situations. And make it easy for them to ask questions when they are not …such as at your web site. For example, list a phone number or email address where you or someone else can answer their questions.

Tip: Include a Questions and Answers page on your web site with answers to frequently asked questions. It will reduce the number of questions you have to answer individually.

4. Make Buying Easier

Every non-essential action in the buying process is an opportunity for the customer to reverse their decision …causing you to lose the sale.

Look for ways you can make your buying procedure easier and faster. For example, many marketers use a multi-step shopping cart to get online orders when a simple online order form would do the job with just 1 or 2 quick clicks.

Tip: Don’t ask for unnecessary information during the ordering process. Instead, send a personalized “thank you” message after the sale and include a brief request for the information.

These 4 selling tactics may not be new to you. But are you using all (or any) of them? If not, they can easily boost your sales …for little or no new expense – and without making major changes in your sales process.

(c) Bob Leduc

4 Marketing Myths That Threaten Your Home Business Sales

These 4 marketing myths can cause you to lose sales if you base your marketing decisions on them. But the related marketing tips I included with each myth will boost your sales if you act on them instead.

Myth 1:
People Always Buy Where They Get the Cheapest Price

If this was true, only businesses that charge cheap prices would exist. Some people buy where they get the cheapest price. But most people are more interested in getting value for their money than in getting a bargain.

Tip: Look for some low-cost ways you can enhance the perceived value of your product or service. Then test raising your price. Don’t be surprised if both your sales and your profit margin go up.

Myth 2:
Offering Your Customers Many Options Will Boost Your Sales

Presenting your customers with options usually reduces your sales. Here’s why…

When confronted with several options, most customers have difficulty making a clear decision. They often react by procrastinating – and never making a decision. When this happens, you lose a sale you already had.

Tip: Try to limit your customer’s decision making to either “Yes. I’ll buy.” or “No. I won’t buy”. Don’t risk losing them by including “which one” decisions.

Myth 3:
Everybody Needs My Product/Service

That’s what YOU think. Most of them don’t think they need it…and most aren’t ready to spend their money for it.

The hazard of this myth is that it causes many marketers to believe they can succeed without doing much marketing or selling. They think their product or service is so special that it should automatically generate hordes of paying customers. Unfortunately, it doesn’t happen that way.

Building a successful business is hard work – most of it devoted to finding customers. Even if most people can use your product or service, you still need a marketing strategy to reach them and a persuasive sales message to close sales.

Tip: Look for narrowly defined niche markets where your product or service solves a unique need of the customers. Focus your marketing on them instead of trying to reach a broadly defined general market. You’ll generate more sales and enjoy a better return on your advertising expense.

Myth 4:
Keep Changing Your Advertising or Your Sales Will Decline

This sounds logical but it’s not true. Never abandon advertising that’s working. I know many businesses that have been using the same advertising for years and they’re still growing. Here’s why…

The goal of most advertising is to attract new customers. Once someone becomes a customer, they won’t respond to that advertising again. But you can use different (and cheaper) advertising to generate additional sales from them.

But there’s still a large population of non-customers who didn’t respond to your regular advertising. Most have not seen it yet …and those who have usually need to see it numerous times before they will respond.

Don’t abandon advertising that’s working – but keep trying to improve it. And regularly test new things to see how they work for you. If you never make any changes in your advertising, your sales will eventually decline.

Tip: You can automatically keep your advertising up to date by allocating 80 percent of your budget to proven promotions and 20 percent to testing new things. When something new works better than your proven promotions, move it to the 80 percent group and start testing something else in the 20 percent category.

Don’t believe these 4 marketing myths. They’re not true. Marketing based on them will cause you to lose sales. Instead, apply the related marketing tips I included after each myth to boost your sales.

Copyright  Bob Leduc

How To Recover Your ‘Almost Customers’

You’ll always need to find new prospects for your business. But don’t overlook the prospects you already attracted. Many are close to buying. Use these four simple procedures to convert those “almost customers” into paying customers.

1. Make A Memorable Impression

Create a reason for prospects and customers to notice you …and to think of you when they encounter a competitor.

Many prospects who do not buy from you the first time will come back to buy later. Existing customers will also remember you. They’ll come back to buy again — and they’ll send pre-sold referrals to you.

One easy way to establish a memorable identity is to create an important reason for customers to do business with you instead of with your competitors.

The advantage you offer doesn’t have to be dramatic to be memorable IF you promote it aggressively. It can be as simple as delivering faster results, more personalized attention or a better guarantee than your competitors.

Tip: Combine several small advantages like those described above to create a big (and more memorable) advantage over your competitors.

2. Follow Up Consistently

Most prospects do not buy the first time they see or hear about you. But they will if you follow up with them.

Your follow up can be as simple as contacting them occasionally with a new offer. Or it can be more complex such as publishing a weekly newsletter with useful information and articles.

If you don’t already have a way to collect their address, you can get it by offering a valuable gift that you deliver only by email or postal mail.

For example, offer a special report, a list of sources or some other valuable information they cannot get anywhere else. These are valuable to customers and prospects — but they won’t cost you much to provide.

3. Make Sure You Answer These 7 Buyer’s Questions

Prospective customers will not buy from you until all 7 of the following questions are answered. Customers may not consciously think about these questions. But they will not buy until all 7 are answered in their minds:

1: Exactly what are you offering?

2: Why do I need (or want) it?

3: How can I believe your claims?

4: Why should I get it from you?

5: How fast can I get it?

6: What if I don’t like it after I get it?

7: What do I need to do to get it?

Make sure you answer all 7 of these buyer’s questions in your web site, sales letters and other selling tools.

Tip: Present everything in term of the benefit it provides to customers. For example, don’t just list testimonials from satisfied customers (your answer to question 3). Point out that those testimonials prove you really do deliver what you promise.

4. Keep Your Ordering Procedure Simple

Use an uncomplicated and fast ordering procedure. Every additional action you ask customers to perform and every additional decision you ask them to make after they already decided to buy can cause them to reverse their decision.

For example, many online marketers use a shopping cart to process their orders when they could use a simple online order form. Each unnecessary step in the shopping cart process is an opportunity for customers to abandon their order …a sale lost needlessly.

Tip: Don’t ask for unnecessary information during the ordering process. Instead, send a personalized “thank you” message after the sale and include a brief request for the additional information.

Don’t overlook the easy sales you can get from old prospects that are almost ready to buy? Use these 4 simple procedures to cultivate your “almost customers” and turn them into paying customers.

(c) Bob Leduc

9 Highly Effective Marketing Tips

Here are 9 low-cost but highly effective marketing tips to help you boost your sales and profits fast.

Tip 1:

Look for some low-cost ways you can enhance the perceived value of your product or service. Then test raising your price. Don’t be surprised if both your sales and your profit margin go up.

Tip 2:

Try to limit your customer’s decision making to either “Yes. I’ll buy.” or “No. I won’t buy”. Don’t risk losing them by including “which one” decisions. The more options you offer, the more likely some customers will procrastinate and never make the decision …causing you to lose a sale needlessly.

Tip 3:

You can demonstrate a low cost for your product or service by breaking down the price to its lowest time increment. For example, “Enjoy all of this for less than 90 cents a day” (for something priced at $325 a year).

Tip 4:

Add an unexpected bonus to every sales transaction just before completing the sale. It prevents customers from developing any last minute hesitation …and changing their minds about buying.

Tip 5:

Print your best small ad on a postcard and mail it to prospects in your targeted market. Postcards are inexpensive and easy to use. Most recipients who ignore other types of advertising will read a brief ad when it’s delivered to them on a postcard.

Tip 6:

Prospects who ask questions are usually close to buying. Take advantage of this. Don’t just answer their question. Include a reason for them to buy as part of your answer. Then ask for the sale …or tell them exactly what to do to place their order.

Tip 7:

Collect testimonials from your customers and use them in all your advertising. Testimonials provide evidence that your product or service delivers the results you promise. For maximum impact, use only testimonials that describe specific results the customer enjoyed.

Tip 8:

Include “benefit rich” headlines on all your web pages. Many visitors arrive at a web page then immediately click away …unless something instantly catches their attention.

Tip 9:

Continually test and evaluate everything you use or do to promote your business. Allocate 80 percent of your advertising budget to proven promotions. Use the other 20 percent for testing new variations. Most businesses using this system continue growing – even in highly competitive markets.

Bonus Tip:

Handle customer complaints quickly and with a positive attitude. Strive to preserve your relationship with them instead of your immediate profit from the transaction. They will reward you with repeat sales and referrals …instead of punishing you by telling everybody they know about their unhappy experience and causing you to lose future customers.

Each of these marketing tips provides a simple, low-cost way for you to boost your sales and profits quickly. All you have to do is to put them into action.

(c) Bob Leduc

7 Home Business Marketing Tips

Here are 7 low-cost but highly effective marketing tips to help any home business find customers and generate sales quickly.

1. Don’t Advertise Like a Big Business

Big businesses advertise to create name recognition and future sales. A small business can’t afford to do that. Instead, design your advertising to produce sales …now. One way to accomplish this is to always include an offer in your advertising – and an easy way for prospective customers to respond to it.

2. Offer a Cheaper Version

Some prospective customers are not willing to pay the asking price for your product or service. Others are more interested in paying a low price than in getting the best quality. You can avoid losing sales to many of these customers by offering a smaller or stripped down version of your product or service at a lower price.

3. Offer a Premium Version

Not all customers are looking for a cheap price. Many are willing to pay a higher price to get a premium product or service. You can boost your average size sale and your total revenue by offering a more comprehensive product or service …or by combining several products or services in a special premium package offer for a higher price.

4. Try Some Unusual Marketing Methods

Look for some unconventional marketing methods your competitors are overlooking. You may discover some highly profitable ways to generate sales and avoid competition. For example, print your best small ad on a postcard and mail it to prospects in your targeted market. A small ad on a postcard can drive a high volume of traffic to your website or generate a flood of sales leads for a very small cost.

5. Trim Your Ads

Reduce the size of your ads so you can run more ads for the same cost. You may even be surprised to find that some of your short ads generate a better response than their longer versions.

6. Set up Joint Promotions with Other Small Businesses

Contact some non-competing small businesses serving customers in your market. Offer to publicize their products or services to your customers in exchange for their publicizing your services to their customers. This usually produces a large number of sales for a very low cost.

7. Take Advantage of Your Customers

Your customers already know and trust you. It’s easier to get more business from them than to get any business from somebody who never bought from you. Take advantage of this by creating some special deals just for your existing customers …and announce new products and services to them before you announce them to the general market.

Also, convert your customers into publicity agents for your business. Develop an incentive for them to tell associates and friends about the value of your products or services. An endorsement from them is more effective than any amount of advertising – and it is much cheaper.

Each of these 7 marketing tips provides a simple, low-cost way for any small business to find customers and generate sales quickly.

Copyright Bob Leduc